Dra. Marcela González Vázquez

- marcela.gonzalez@unca.edu.mx
- Postdoctorado en Residuos Agroindustriales con Fines Nutracéuticos
- Doctorado en Ciencia de los Alimentos
- Maestría en Ciencia de los alimentos
- Licenciatura en Nutrición
- Residuos agroindustriales con fines nutracéuticos
- Rojas-Candelas, L.E., Duque-Buitrago, L.F., Díaz-Ramírez, M., González-Vázquez, M., Arredondo-Tamayo, B., Méndez-Méndez, J.V., Rentería-Ortega, M. and Quiroz-Estrada, K. (2024). Development of pericarp-based coating from corn nixtamalization residue for stone fruits: applications for peach and tejocote. Coatings. 14: 1296. https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings14101296.
- Ordaz-Hernández, A., Corona-Ramírez, M., Herrera-Martínez, M. and González-Vázquez, M. (2024). Animal venoms as a source of medicines:going beyond the danger. Mexican Journal of Technology and Engineering. 3(2). https://doi.org/10.61767/mjte.003.2.0412.
- Duque-Buitrago, L.F., Solórzano-Lugo, I.E., González-Vázquez, M., Jiménez-Martínez, C., Hernández-Aguirre, M.A., Osorio-Díaz, P., Calderón-Domínguez, G., Loera-Castañeda, V. and Mora-Escobedo, R. (2024). Health- Related composition and bioactivity of an agave sap/prickly pear juice deverage. Molecules. 29:12, 2745. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules29122742.
- Cuellar-Sánchez, V., Arreguín-Centeno, J.H., González-Vázquez, M., Salgado-Cruz, Ma. P., Ferrera-Rebollo, R. R., Gutiérrez-López, G.F. and Calderón-Domínguez, G. (2024). Effect of Biotic stress due to Phyllophaga spp. on Antioxidante compounds during Jicama Root (Pachyrhizus erosus) development. Horticulrurae. 10(5): 485. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae10050485.
- Dávila-León, R., González-Vázquez, M., Lima-Villegas, K.E., Mora-Escobedo, K.E. and Calderón-Domínguez, G. (2023). In vitro gastrointestinal digestion methods of carbohydrate-rich foods. Food Science & Nutrition. 12(2):722-733. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.3841.
- Rojas-Candelas, L.E., Díaz- Ramírez, M., González-Vázquez, M., Rayas-Amor, A.A., Cruz-Monterrosa, R.G., León-Espinosa, E.B. y Villanueva-Carvajal, A. Physicochemical characterization and antioxidant capacity of popcorn nejayote. (2023). Food Research Journal. https://doi.org/10.26656/fr.2017.7(5).174.
- Liliana Rojas-Candelas, Mayra Díaz-Ramírez, Adolfo Armando, Rayas-Amor, Rosy Gabriela Cruz-Monterrosa, Juan Vicente Méndez-Méndez, Ma.de la Paz Salgado-Cruz, Georgina Calderón-Domínguez, Alejandro de Jesús,Cortés-Sánchez, Marcela González-Vázquez. Development of biodegradable films produced from popcorn nixtamalization residues. (2023) Applied Sciences. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13148436.
- González-Vázquez, M., Calderón- Domínguez, G., Mora-Escobedo, R., Salgado- Cruz, M. P., Arreguín-Centeno, J. H. y Monterrubio-López, R. (2022). Polysaccharides of nutritional interest in jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) during root development. Ciencia de los alimentos y nutrición, 00, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.2746.
- González-Vázquez, M., Meza-Márquez, O. G., Gallardo-Velázquez, T., Osorio-Revilla, G., Velázquez Hernández, J. L. y Hernández-Martínez, M. (2020). Simultaneous determination of caffeine and taurine in energy drinks by FT-MIR spectroscopy together with multivariate analysis. Revista de espectroscopía, 2020,[8835846]. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8835846.